My First Mural Design Competition
S.o.S was the winner of the Brighthelm Mural Contest which was launched early 2015.
The concept and brief was COMMUNITY & SUSTAINABILITY
Brighthelm say, "As well as being the first choice design for four of the panel members (i.e. more than half), comments on your piece include:
“Inspiring art”
“Great style, colour & participatory elements”
“Like very much. Could be beautiful.”
"I just want to reiterate again how impressive your proposal was, and what a positive impact it had. I am really excited to be working with you, and am looking forward to getting started!"
The judging panel consisted of:
Caroline Lucas (MP, Green Party, Brighton Pavillion)
Peter Harold (North Laine Community Association representative)
Paul Hart (Baron Homes representative)
Aaron Hinton (RCP Car Parking representative)
Rik Child (Brighthelm Director)
Liz McDonald (NLCA member and Brighthelm Community Garden Group representative)
Jan Jackson (Brighthelm Community Garden Group representative)
At the time this was the biggest wall in Brighton undertaken by a female artist! and also the biggest stencil by any artist in Brighton!
Project Aim & Rationale
I am a mature student at the University of Brighton studying a part time Master of Arts in INCLUSIVE ARTS PRACTICE. This means that I am focused on sustainable and inclusive methods of art making which involves and facilitates as many marginalised members in society as possible. Women are often underrepresented in the art world and especially the street art world, this is why I have chosen to specialise in this area. I have involved the community in my mural and the response so far has been really outstanding!